Department of Physical Education:
The Physical Education Department of Sai Tirumala NVR Engineering college has
been established in 2007. It took the responsibility not only to provide the
necessary infrastructure that helps the students to inculcate good habit of
playing games but also to develop the sportsmanship and comradeship. The college
had demarked five acres of land for Outdoor games namely: Cricket, Volley Ball,
Basket Ball, Ball Badminton, Throw Ball, Tennycoit and multi purpose ground for
Soft Ball, Foot Ball and Hockey. The college is provided with Indoor games also
in an area of nearly 300 Sq.m, which is furnished with Gymnasium and accommodating
the indoor games like Table Tennis, Caroms, Chess etc., to horn the skills in the
respective games as well as to enhance the physical fitness of the students and
faculty. Annual Intramural Tournaments in various games and sports are being
conducted for the students as well as for the staff . Routinely and the Prizes
will be distributed on the Annual day celebrations.
List of five best indoor facilities available:
1.Table Tennis
3.Weight Lifting
4.Gym Items
List of seven best outdoor facilities available:
3.Volley Ball
4.Basket Ball
5.Ball Badminton
6.Throw Ball
7.Tenny Coit